everywhere. All you have to do is to walk into any store, look at
wrapping paper or turn on the television and the Angels are present.
As we begin to see more and more angels on the external plane, the
same thing is happening on the internal landscape. Angels and
angelic energies are flooding the planet right now as they do every
year around this time. This is the time, not just in Christianity,
but in many faiths who are focusing on the Divine essence of life
and how we are forever connected with that source of love.
It is this time of the year when the Angels come very close to us
because as a species we are aligning with what is our highest and
greatest good. You may not even be totally aware of it, but as a
collective the human race is opening their hearts as a portal for
light and the Divine to come shining through.
There are literally hundreds of thousands of Angels descending into
our consciousness right now. They are rising up and surrounding us
to make sure that if even for only once a year we remember out true
home, where we are all connected and where we are all love.
As this flood of Angels sit next to us, cover us and infuse our
being with their presences, we are lifted to a higher state of
awareness and reminded of how the Christ is born in us.
This birth seems very specific to this time of the year because we
as a collective have agreed upon this particular date, but the
Angels message to us is, that this time of the year is no different
in reality than any other time. It is at any and every moment that
we can choose to be the home wherein the Divine is born and
re-born... if we allow it.
Choose to be host to the Divine deep within you, then begin to
focus and see the Divine in everyone and in everything in life,
just as the Angels see us.
As we begin to do this and take our cues from the whispers of the
Angels, the true upliftment of the planet and the human race is
Have a Beautiful Holiday, keep listening for the Angels and welcome
their energies into the deepest part of your heart.